All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force . . . . We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
—Max Planck
Biologically, physical existence is crucial to defining living creatures. That is, regardless of being competent to think or having a psychological component. A person or creature comes into the world once they are accustomed to life and living conditions. An individual initiation starts when a sperm penetrates and fertilises an ovum and is adequately accommodated in the uterus. Therefore, the two conditions that must be available for a creature to be considered a living organism must be present and compatible with living conditions.
From a religious perspective, for example, Islamic teaching states: “Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging material, and We made the clinging material into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators” (Quran 23.14). In another verse, it is written: “Indeed, We created a human from a sperm-drop mixture that We tested [compatible], and We made him hear and seeing” (Quran 76.2). This verse indicates that a human is considered a living organism at the moment of conception, and they depend on their environment, such as the uterus, to survive and thrive. Whether it is a natural conception or through in vitro fertilisation, the fertilised egg requires the appropriate conditions and environment to grow successfully. It is of utmost significance for the sustenance of any organism to possess the capability to adjust to its surroundings with respect to obtaining adequate nourishment, respiration and upholding general well-being.
Genetically; when a human being is born, their genetic makeup is determined by merging their parents' chromosomes. Twenty-three chromosomes from each side combine to develop a foetus with forty-six chromosomes. A female bookshelf lines up an estimated 34,000 genes and 2.93 billion base pairs, whereas the male chromosome map consists of 32,800 genes and 2.83 billion base pairs. Genes in vast numbers are very well designed and aligned, wrapped, and packed in a designated chromosome. Chromosomes play a crucial role in determining the morphology, functions, and cell characteristics that enable organs to collectively collaborate with other organs to sustain a functional body for a living individual. These form the matter in bodies, which compose only a small percentage of human cells such as organs. The rest is described as quantum energy; the rest is emptiness.
Intangible energy: According to Oppermann's research, the world as we know it is composed of matter, which is controlled by electromagnetic and nuclear forces. which means that everything is connected, as explained in Zeng et al.’s work. Quantum physics provides a framework for understanding how matter and energy behave at the atomic and subatomic levels. It is an approach that defines the nature of particles of protons and electrons. In quantum understanding, particles can exist in multiple states of “superposition”. They can be “entangled,” by which a change in an electron's condition will impact the rest of the electrons and protons. The subatomic nucleus, electrons, and protons are fundamental elements of each particle, each living and nonliving material.
The idea of quantum is not an innovation. Many pieces of literature describe energy in a body as a separate identity with an independent function from the physical body. Sometimes this is referred to as an inorganic body (or animism), as first academically described by McDougall in 1911. A well-known academic in physics and parapsychology and appointed as the president of the Society for Psychical Research in 1920, in his famous work (Body and Mind: A History and a Defence of Animism), he logically explained the complex interaction of seen and unseen structures. As the first scientist in the modern age to combine metaphysics and science, he advocated for animism. The term referred to the proposal that all matters have a subjective element and physical format. In organic body was described earlier by Ibn Tufyel in the twelfth century. The Andalusian physician (1105–1185) mentioned in his philosophical novel Hayii Ibn Yaddhan (Alive Son of Awakening in English) that death is a result of the separation of the independent soul—the power of life—from the host body (Ockley).
This electromagnetic power benefits the living organism, which requires a steady energy supply to maintain its function and supply fundamental living functions to cellular activities. This process of chemical and biological intracellular reactions is called metabolism. These metabolisms are required to maintain cellular energy and matter.
Biological metabolisms in creatures have various complicated reactions. Metabolisms are broadly classified into either catabolic or anabolic phases. The former is by breaking down larger molecules so they can produce energy. Anabolic activities build up cells and tissues and consume heat from nutrients or catabolic processes. Before further explaining the body’s metabolism, it is essential to know that the main source of energy is glucose, which ignites and maintains the reactions. Glucose is obtained from food and nutrients.
Carbohydrates are essential as they are the primary source of glucose, the body's main energy source. When we consume carbohydrates, our body breaks them down into glucose, which gets absorbed through the intestine into the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas at times of glucose influx in large concentrations. It plays a crucial role in shifting glucose from the blood into the cells. Glucose within the cell is converted to energy called adenosine triphosphate particles (ATPs). Extra glucose will be stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle tissues. Liver glycogen will be used in the case of starvation or nutrient depletion to maintain various body activities. The entire process is quite complex, and it involves several reactive pathways that work together to ensure that our body has the energy it needs to function properly.